Saturday 16 May 2015

Steam Potato Bun aka Potato Mantou

I totally love steam bun and potato. So my mum asked me to make potato steam bun. I tried before and it was totally a let down. But decided to give it another try as I just love those two and I m proud to say I made it. YAY!!!!! Nice fresh steam bun. Mmmmmmm.... Yummy. I ll just include the recipe here so I don't forget about it and still can make it in the future... Maybe next week haha :) Any way here is the recipe.

1/2 tbsp yeast
75ml warm water
1/2 tsp sugar

75g steam sweet potato(puree)
250g cake flour
3 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp oil
pinch of salt


  1. Combine A ans set aside for 20 minutes.
  2. Combine B with A mixture and mix using mixer on low speed for 20 minutes. You can knead with hand for the same time or until the dough doesn't stick to your hand.
  3. Rest the dough for 45 minutes, cover with a damp cloth.
  4. Shape it accordingly.
  5. Bring your steamer to a boil and steam the buns for 12- 15 minutes.
And it's done. Enjoy your steam bun with some Chinese tea. I love them that way. But then I do something eat them with curry. Yummy. Let me know in the comment what do you eat your steam bun with. ENJOY :)

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