Friday 18 November 2016

Vaporeon Plush tutorial

Vaporeon plush was done like aged ago but I had just finish the video. I have change another editing software, so I m still kinda getting use to it. I m not sure if it is better but yah it is another software to edit my video. Hopefully I will master it asap, or I might just go back to my old way of editing. Okay enough about the software. I totally am so happy with this plush as I think I did a great job on it. I too find out some other way to make it look more nicer, and I will definitely share it with all of you. I will make videos on how I sew them together. Then, I hope I ll get less people telling me, I m just telling people to sew with back stitch, blanket stitch and etc. Please give me some time I m trying my very best. Enough about that too. So please to show it to me when you make one as i would want to know if the pattern work for others too.

Here is how you make it:


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